Friday, November 16, 2007

New here....

So, I have a few blogs from photographers saved and thought I might try my hand at one. I have no clue what this blog will morph into at this point, but I have a feeling it will mainly focus on providing amateur photographers of women useful tips and techniques in both photography and Photoshop work that I have learned over the last few years. My goal is to help photographers raise the level of their work to well above an average snapshot. I will also probably include the odd rant from time to time or the occasional thought. I welcome comments, questions, and participation so that we may all learn something. I am by no means an expert and I am still learning. I am hoping that what I have learned thus far may help some one get to that 'next level' with their photography. There is more than one way to skin a cat as the saying goes.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading you words and seeing your images.. not as if I dont bug you via email already :0)

Mac said...

Thanks! You can 'bug' me all you want, Heather :-)

Anonymous said...

Mac, thanks for starting this blog. As an amateur just getting into off-camera flash photography there is one thing you could do that would be amazingly benefical ... provide a setup shot or two from time to time along with the finished product, and include any "soft" setup information that wouldn't be immediately obvious (i.e, EXIF, flash settings, etc.)

Having tried to recreate shots that I like in the comfort of my own home, I know how hard it is. To that end, I have a complete appreciation for your art!

Keep up the good work.

Mac said...

Hi Hambone,
Thanks so much for the comments. I most certainly plan on showing setups and behind the scene shots and I have done a few already. I am pretty busy these days starting a new business, but I fully plan on getting back to shooting soon. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a note.